International Dark Sky Week in Zion

March 30, 2024
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In today’s fast-paced world, it’s becoming increasingly rare to catch a glimpse of the night sky in its full glory. Light pollution from urban areas often obscures views of the stars, making it difficult for many to experience the beauty of a dark sky. But there’s a place in East Zion where the stars shine brightly—and where, on a clear night, you can see the Milky Way stretch across the sky—and that place is Zion Ponderosa Ranch Resort.

Imagine stepping outside on a clear night and being greeted by thousands of twinkling stars. This is what you can expect at Zion Ponderosa. Situated at 6,500 feet in elevation on the plateau above the eastern border of Zion National Park, Zion Ponderosa is removed from the harsh glare of city lights, providing crystal-clear views of the starry night sky.

Why are dark skies important? 

Not only do dark skies offer unparalleled beauty, but they also play an essential role in the health of our planet. Light pollution is caused by excessive use of artificial light, often from nearby cities. That isn’t just bad for stargazing. It’s also harmful for the environment. Natural darkness is essential for the survival of nocturnal animals, insects, and even people. 

Zion National Park at night

Preserving the night sky

Zion National Park was officially designated as an International Dark Sky Park in 2021 by the International Dark Sky Association. This designation means that Zion has been officially recognized for its efforts to combat light pollution, ensuring that visitors can fully appreciate the beauty of its star-filled skies. This prestigious title underscores Zion National Park’s commitment to environmental conservation while inviting visitors to experience unforgettable stargazing beneath its iconic rock formations.

Stargazing in Zion

Here at Zion Ponderosa, we’re also committed to protecting this precious resource by sharing the beauty of the night sky with as many people as possible. Whether you’re a seasoned astronomer or a novice stargazer, there’s something truly awe-inspiring about seeing the stars as nature intended. Step outside your glamping tent, cabin, or vacation home and gaze up in awe. Want to see even deeper into the night? Our stargazing tours offer guests the chance to explore the cosmos with knowledgeable guides who will help you navigate the constellations—and with hot chocolate and cozy blankets, your evening under the stars will be unforgettable. 

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International Dark Sky Week

International Dark Sky Week is held annually during the week of the new moon when night skies are darkest. This year it’s held from April 2–8, 2024, ending on the Great North American Eclipse! You can celebrate by spreading the word about light pollution and the importance of dark skies—and of course, by stargazing. 

Whether you’re visiting during the spring, summer, or fall, our stargazing tours are sure to leave you in awe of the cosmos.We invite you to join us at Zion Ponderosa for an unforgettable stargazing experience.
